Ştiu / I know


Ştiu că sunt eu,

În oglinda ochilor tăi,

Ştiu că eşti tu,

În amintirea anilor mei.

Ştiu că sunt zbor,

În viaţa ta, mâine,

Ştiu că eşti dor,

În ziua ce vine.

Ştiu că sunt trecut,

În sufletul tău,

Ştiu că eşti sărut,

Pentru mine, mereu.

Ştiu că sunt dorinţă,

În trupul tău, acum,

Ştiu că eşti suferinţă,

Mie, pe al vieţii drum.

Lyrics in english

I know that I am, 

In the light of your eyes,

I know that you are,

In the memory of my years. 

I know that I am fly,

In your life, tomorrow,

I know that you are wish,

In the day that comes.

I know that I’m the past 

In your soul,

I know that you are kiss

For me, always.

I know that I’m desire,

In your body, know,

I know that you are sorrow,

To me, on the road of life.

E. N. Călinescu

16 gânduri despre „Ştiu / I know

  1. In this festive evening sleigh let you bring the best wishes of happiness :joy, love and happiness.May happiness and blessings to you and forever stop by and follow .HAPPY NEW YEAR


  2. It is a beautiful poem. I was in a state of dejavu. I had ever knew you. whereas, in fact, I have never known you in the past. The poetry is beautiful and great, I think, anyone who reads it will feel a sense of dejavu ….. Once again: Happy New Year. I like your poem Natycalinescu…….:)


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